Friday, October 06, 2006


Mixed feelings on this one. From a liability standpoint, it is nice to have the MD look at someone first - if they can't catch it, we can't be expected to. On the other hand, our diagnosis procedure is a totally different system from the allopaths and most of us to not treat via medical acupuncture. My question is, do the chiropractors and naturopaths have to get an MD clearance too.

Philadelphia Inquirer
Acupuncture treatment. The Senate unanimously approved legislation to require patients to get a diagnosis from a physician, dentist or podiatrist before receiving acupuncture treatment for more than 60 days. The bill goes to the House.

When I flew on Southwest Airlines this past week, I came across an article in their in-flight magazine concerning the hospital-turned-hotel trend. Expansion of services include in-room massage and salon services along with gourmet chefs, private rooms with cots for family sleep-overs, and chandeliers in carpeted hallways (can we say MRSA?). The results have been decreased pain medication requests and hospital stay time which leads to decreased medical costs overall. With hope and additional research, there will be a stronger acupuncture presence in these facilities that will expand nationwide after a time.

Acupuncture Helps Ease Post-Surgical Ills
ISLAMABAD: Acupuncture, already shown to help ease the nausea patients often suffer after having surgery, may actually work better than drugs, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.
And patients were happier with the treatment, the team at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina found.

The researchers studied 75 women having major breast surgery such as breast augmentation, breast reduction or mastectomy.

All needed general anesthesia to be rendered unconscious and immobile. This often causes nausea upon awakening.

The 75 women were randomly divided into three groups. One group received acupuncture, another group was given an anti-nausea drug called ondansetron, sold by GlaxoSmithKline under the brand name Zofran, and the third group received neither.

Two hours after surgery, 77 percent of the patients given acupuncture had no nausea or vomiting, compared to 64 percent for those given the drug and 42 percent who received nothing.

Writing in the journal Anesthesia and Analgesia, Dr. Tong Joo Gan and colleagues said they used an electro-acupuncture device that delivers a small electrical pulse through the skin, rather than traditional needles.

"The patients in our randomized trial who received acupuncture enjoyed a more comfortable recovery from their surgery than those who received an anti-sickness medication," Gan said in a statement.

"In the areas of postoperative nausea and vomiting control, pain relief, and general overall satisfaction, acupuncture appears to be more effective than the most commonly used medication, with few to no side-effects."

Great maketing and method of bringing acupuncture to the folks who would normallu not try acupuncture because of the expense. And at only one day a week, these guys are doing a great service while maintaining the integrity of the profession.

Business bringing affordable acupuncture

The Times-Standard
ARCATA -- In October The Oasis: Chinese Medicine & Healing Arts Center will begin answering a call to offer affordable alternative health care.

A regularly scheduled Monday clinic will allow many people who could never before afford acupuncture treatments, another option.

”We have people calling us every week, asking us if we accept Medicare or Medi-Cal,” says Oasis owner John Servilio. “We have to tell them 'no' because Medi-Cal pays as little as $5.79 per visit, which doesn't even cover our administrative costs and supplies. And our sliding scale, which is one of the most reasonable in the county, can still be too steep for people who realize that they will need to come in for a course of treatments.”

In response, a new bare bones, $20 flat-rate session fee for treatment has been developed. The clinic will be open to all clients without an income eligibility process.

Clients will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis and intakes will be private but acupuncture sessions will take place in a shared treatment room. To make the process more affordable, instead of the larger massage tables used, clients will be resting zero-gravity patio loungers.

While this might sound less than ideal to some, it is modeled after the more successful low-cost acupuncture clinics like Quan Yin in San Francisco.

”Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves given the opportunity and a little nudge in the right direction,” Servilio said the clinic will begin on Oct. 16.

The Oasis is located at 940 Ninth St. in Arcata. For more information call 826-2700.

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